This is a GALLUP POLL.
It's a pole that says which
candidate is winning in a certain group of people over time.
This pole says which candidate, Senator McCain or Senator Obama, is winning with the people of different ages.
Over time this pole shows how many people supported which candidate and how old they were.
As you can see, back in August the younger people were favoring Obama over McCain and the Older people were leaning more towards Senator McCain.
Over time, the younger people have stayed following Senator Obama while the older folks out there slowing drifted their alliance to Senator Obama.
Towards the end of August the older people started following Obama by 1% more than McCain. They didn't permanently start to follow Obama until mid to late September though. The younger folks still had about 55-60% of the people voting with Obama.
By mid October (now) the majority of all the people in America are voting with Senator Obama.
Senator McCain definitely has some work to do if he plans to win!!!
and oh yea....if you click on it, the picture gets bigger because unless you are a freaky super human you shouldn't be able to read this:]
1 comment:
ima freek-e supeder human and i could read it BETTER hAhA! i HATE CAPS LOCK. i like symbolz `~!@#$%^&*()<>?/*+-=-.,/';:""{}[]...if therz any i forgot lemme kno. da verification wurd dis time is "satiserm" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Gallup poll = kool
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